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July 2004


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Janna Gorman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Miami Martial Arts Club list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 7 Jul 2004 15:32:43 -0400
text/plain (129 lines)
<html><head></head><body><P><STRONG><FONT size=3D4><EM>M<!E>UST RE<!J>AD -=
 ST<!Q>OCK ALE<!U>RT<br></EM></FONT></STRONG><br>Our la<!H>st pro<!F>file =
of PR<!Y>VH was up 24<!Y>5<!O>% <br><br><br>******************************=
*******************************************<BR><EM>BEF<!T>ORE WE CONT<!D>I=
NUE - VE<!L>RY IMPOR<!L>TANT</EM> - it is Expe<!A>cted that <STRONG><FONT =
size=3D4>G<!A>D<!L>NO</FONT></STRONG> will have VE<!X>RY l<!U>arge P<!W>R =
cam<!D>paign in the ne<!U>xt ma<!E>rket op<!H>en as so<!P>me ve<!H>ry posi=
<!U>tive ne<!K>ws is exp<!B>ected. One th<!C>ing is for SU<!M>RE so far we=
 have not prof<!E>iled as good comp<!O>any as <STRONG><FONT size=3D4>GD<!H=
>NO</FONT></STRONG> in the la<!L>st 2 mo<!B>nths.&nbsp; So ta<!M>ke advan<=
!F>tage of this!!! We believe this is our b<!W>est st<!G>ock p<!M>ick sinc=
e Ma<!A>rch 200<!T>4<!N>!<!J> ********************************************=
*****************************<BR>St<!G>ock Expec<!N>ted to Exp<!I>lode Nex=
t Ma<!N>rket Open<BR> Brea<!P>king Ne<!P>ws for <STRONG><FONT size=3D4>GD<=
!G>NO</FONT></STRONG>: Gol<!Y>den Oppor<!H>tunity Res<!X>ources I<!E>nc. <=
BR>Up<!J>dat<!M>e on N<!H>o. <!V>1 We<!S>ll in Bo<!S>ssier Par<!B>ish Loui=
si<!N>ana<BR>&nbsp;<BR><FONT size=3D4><STRONG>***G<!P>DNO****GDN<!L>O****G=
D<!V>NO****<!O>GDNO****</STRONG></FONT><BR><BR>W<!S>e Believe the SPECU<!E=
=3D4>$<!H>1.62</FONT></STRONG><BR><BR><FONT size=3D4><STRONG>++ UR<!A>GENT=
 Tra<!C>ding Al<!V>ert ++</STRONG></FONT> <BR><BR> Comp<!D>any Pro<!S>file=
 Gol<!T>den Oppo<!E>rtunity Reso<!E>urces, In<!J>c., <BR><BR>Sym<!O>bol: <=
FONT size=3D4><STRONG>G<!W>DN<!D>O</STRONG><BR><EM><FONT size=3D3>Curr<!N>=
ent Pri<!R>ce:</FONT><STRONG> <!A>$<!R>0<!J>.39</STRONG></EM></FONT><BR> R=
at<!T>ing: <STRONG>Under<!E>valued</STRONG> <BR>Recomm<!H>endation: <STRON=
G>STR<!I>ONG B<!P>UY</STRONG> <BR><BR><FONT size=3D4><STRONG>-----------&g=
t;&gt;&gt; NE<!C>WS &lt;&lt;&lt;-------------</STRONG> <BR></FONT></P><P><=
EM><STRONG><SPAN class=3Dt>Golden Opportunity Resources Inc. To Commence D=
rilling The Black Tiger</SPAN><BR><SPAN class=3Dtt>Friday July 2, 4:00 pm =
ET</SPAN></STRONG></EM> <P><DIV class=3Dar>MISS<!Y>OULA, MT, July 2 /PRNew=
<!M>swire-First<!N>Call/ - Golden Opportunity Resou<!B>rces, I<!V>nc., (O<=
!P>TC Pin<!S>k: GDN<!J>O) a Nev<!O>ada Cor<!O>poration. <P>Go<!V>lden Oppo=
rt<!A>unity Resou<!L>rces is ple<!K>ased to rep<!Q>ort that it will soon c=
omme<!S>nce dril<!R>ling the firs<!C>t well on the Bla<!J>ck Tig<!F>er pro=
spect with its 50/50 jo<!U>int vent<!V>ure part<!N>ner, Big S<!I>nowy Res<=
!J>ources L.<!E>P. Rig mobi<!I>lization and prel<!D>iminary grou<!B>ndwork=
 has been compl<!N>eted and has facilit<!T>ated the dril<!D>ling to begin =
the second week of Ju<!G>ly. <P>Mr. Bil<!W>l Mo<!X>rton, company Presi<!Z>=
dent and CE<!C>O states, "we are extre<!K>mely excited to be drilling the =
Bla<!N>ck Tig<!G>er, considering the his<!G>tory, geology and location of =
this prospect." <P>The Bl<!U>ack Ti<!N>ger project is located within the s=
outh central portion of the Central Mont<!R>ana Uplift, approximately 60 m=
iles north of Billings in T10<!X>N, R2<!K>5E of Musselshell County, Montan=
a. Structurally, the field lies on the southeastern plu<!O>nging nose of t=
he huge Dev<!Y>il's Basin an<!E>ticline and just 7 miles west of the origi=
nal Tyl<!C>er disc<!K>overy in the Big Wa<!E>ll Oi<!P>l Field. <P>Since th=
e Tex<!W>as Company (Texa<!Z>co) T<!F>yler disco<!X>very at Big Wall on Ap=
<!Y>ril 4, 1948, ove<!O>r 110 million barrels of Tyl<!C>er oil have been p=
rod<!Z>uced in the Tyler Fair<!K>way wi<!A>thin 50 miles of the "Bla<!O>ck=
 Ti<!S>ger" prospect. <P>Gol<!W>den Op<!J>portunity Resour<!Z>ces Inc. is =
a juni<!E>or oil and gas explora<!K>tion company focus<!O>ed on finding an=
d dev<!W>eloping under<!Q>valued oil and gas assets worldwide. Our pl<!O>a=
n is to build a solid base of core proj<!V>ects that prov<!E>ide recurring=
 monthly cash flows and on occas<!S>ion en<!P>ter into wildcat high risk/r=
eward wel<!V>ls to add the pot<!E>ential of aggressi<!R>ve growth in our c=
om<!H>pany for our share<!T>holders. We are extre<!N>mely excited about th=
e future prosp<!U>ects of the company and look forward to growing the busi=
ness with our shareh<!H>olders for years to come. The comp<!X>any will kee=
p its share<!D>holders upda<!Y>ted as this re-completion effort and will m=
ake further news re<!Z>leases as new information comes avail<!C>able. <P>T=
his med<!B>ia release may contain forward-looking statements regarding, bu=
t not limited to, management, market potential, distributor success, marke=
t size, interna<!N>tional sa<!R>les, mark<!N>eting, fut<!G>ure events and =
perform<!R>ance of the Co<!G>mpany whi<!N>ch involve risks and uncert<!Q>a=
inties that could mater<!E>ially affect actual results. Inv<!U>estors shou=
ld refer to doc<!A>uments that the Company intends to file with the S<!V>E=
C for a des<!W>cription of certain fact<!H>ors that could cause actual res=
ults to vary from current expecta<!I>tions and the forw<!E>ard-loo<!V>king=
 state<!P>ments contai<!P>ned in this medi<!K>a rele<!Q>ase. <P></P></DIV>=
T size=3D1>-------------- Di<!R>sclaim<!X>er ---------------<BR>Inf<!M>orm=
ation within this ema<!E>il contains "forw<!D>ard lo<!N>oking statements" =
within the meaning of Sec<!B>tion 2<!U>7<!R>A of the Secur<!I>ities Ac<!G>=
t of 19<!Z>33 and Sec<!T>tion 2<!Q>1B of the Secur<!B>ities Excha<!P>nge A=
<!A>ct of 1<!N>934. Any stat<!W>ements that expr<!X>ess or involve discu<!=
T>ssions with re<!U>spect to predic<!L>tions, goa<!Q>ls, expecta<!D>tions,=
 belie<!R>fs, pl<!S>ans, proje<!W>ctions, objectiv<!P>es, assum<!H>ptions =
or future events or perfo<!D>rmance are not statements of histor<!B>ical f=
act and may be "for<!Q>ward looki<!C>ng state<!D>ments." For<!N>ward looki=
ng state<!M>ments are based on expec<!N>tations, est<!H>imates and project=
<!Q>ions at the t<!F>ime the statem<!RND_UC_CHAR>ents are made that inv<!H=
>olve a num<!K>ber of risks and unce<!V>rtainties which could ca<!K>use ac=
tual res<!S>ults or even<!L>ts to differ ma<!I>terially from those prese<!=
C>ntly anticipa<!P>ted. Forward looki<!H>ng sta<!H>tements in this action =
may be ident<!T>ified thro<!Z>ugh the use of wor<!W>ds such as: "proje<!X>=
cts", "fores<!P>ee", "exp<!O>ects", "est<!T>imates," "belie<!M>ves," "unde=
rs<!G>tands" "wil<!I>l," "p<!Q>art of: "antic<!Y>ipates," or that by sta<!=
W>tements indic<!H>ating cert<!C>ain actions "may," "cou<!F>ld," or "mi<!T=
>ght" occur. All info<!U>rmation pro<!H>vided wit<!V>hin this ema<!B>il pe=
rtai<!Z>ning to inv<!D>esting, sto<!D>cks, sec<!B>urities must be underst<=
!F>ood as inform<!G>ation pro<!T>vided and not inve<!S>stment advice. Emer=
g<!E>ing Eq<!W>uity Al<!K>ert advises all read<!M>ers and subsc<!K>ribers =
to s<!N>eek advi<!T>ce from a regist<!O>ered prof<!Y>essional se<!Q>curiti=
es represent<!Z>ative before deci<!E>ding to tra<!P>de in st<!T>ocks fe<!S=
>atured within this ema<!O>il. None of the mate<!C>rial within this re<!U>=
port shall be cons<!S>trued as any kind of invest<!G>ment adv<!J>ice. Plea=
se have in m<!E>ind that the int<!Z>erpretation of the wr<!F>iter of this =
news<!E>letter about the news publi<!M>shed by the company does not repres=
ent the company official sta<!U>tement and in fact may differ from the rea=
l meaning of what the news rele<!N>ase meant to say. Please read the news =
rele<!O>ase by yourself and judge by yourself about the details in it. In =
compliance with Section <!W>17(<!B>b), we disclose the holding of G<!Z>DN<=
!G>O shares prior to the publ<!M>ication of this re<!Q>port. Be aware of a=
n inh<!Z>erent conflict of interest resu<!B>lting from such hold<!A>ings d=
ue to our intent to profit from the liqu<!B>idation of these shares. Sha<!=
Y>res may be so<!S>ld at any time, even after pos<!A>itive stat<!J>ements =
have been made regard<!J>ing the above company. Sin<!H>ce we own sh<!A>are=
s, there is an inh<!B>erent con<!M>flict of inte<!A>rest in our state<!N>m=
ents and opinions. Readers of this pub<!D>lication are cautioned not to pl=
ace undue reliance on forward-loo<!Q>king statem<!K>ents, which are based =
on certain assum<!S>ptions and expect<!W>ations involving various ri<!J>sk=
s and uncerta<!R>inties, that could cause results to differ materially fro=
m those set forth in the for<!S>ward- look<!M>ing st<!H>atements. Please b=
e adv<!R>ised that nothing within this em<!Z>ail shall constit<!C>ute a so=
lici<!G>tation or an offer to buy or ell any secu<!J>rity mentio<!I>ned he=
r<!A>ein. This news<!R>letter is neither a registered invest<!B>ment adv<!=
R>isor nor affil<!A>iated with any br<!Z>oker or deal<!O>er. All statemen<=
!G>ts made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such. We =
m<!M>ay own, bu<!H>y and se<!K>ll any securi<!T>ties menti<!J>oned at any =
time. This rep<!I>ort inc<!V>ludes for<!Y>ward-loo<!G>king state<!C>ments =
within the meaning of The Pr<!F>ivate Sec<!I>urities Litigat<!P>ion Ref<!V=
>orm Act of 1995. These state<!P>ments may incl<!Q>ude terms as "ex<!Q>pec=
t", "bel<!U>ieve", "m<!K>ay", "wi<!U>ll", "m<!F>ove","underva<!B>lued" and=
 "inte<!N>nd" or simi<!J>lar terms. This newsl<!P>etter was paid $<!I>65<!=
Q>00 from third par<!W>ty to send this re<!T>port. PLEASE DO YOUR OWN DUE =
Yo<!L>u may lo<!T>se mon<!I>ey from inv<!A>esting in P<!J>enny Sto<!Q>cks.=