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"Coates, Rodney D. Dr." <[log in to unmask]>
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Coates, Rodney D. Dr.
Sat, 1 Dec 2007 09:16:09 -0500
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Views on Sex-Ed Divide Democratic, GOP Candidates

Run Date: 11/26/07
By Alison Bowen
WeNews correspondent
November 30, 2007

The U.S. has spent about $1 billion on abstinence-only
education in the last decade and the White House seeks
$28 million more. Here's how presidential candidates
line up on the issue.

(WOMENSENEWS)--An end to abstinence-only sex education
was at the top of the list when 600 self-described
feminists met in New York recently to rally their ranks
and craft a platform for U.S. presidential lobbying.

Abstinence-only--for which President Bush proposes a
2008 budget of $204 million--has avid supporters and
wary detractors, who want to find a more comprehensive
way to present sex education.

In March, three members of Congress introduced a bill to
authorize federal funds for states' comprehensive sex
education that offers menu of options from abstinence to
contraception and abortion. The Responsible Education
About Life Act--or the REAL Act as the bill is known--
was sponsored by Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg, D-N.J.; Rep.
Barbara Lee, D-Calif.; and Rep. Christopher Shays, R-

The following month a congressional study found that
abstinence-only education--which emphasizes chastity, or
abstaining from sex, as the best practice for teens--did
not significantly delay their decisions whether to have

Over a dozen states have dodged abstinence-only
curricula for their schools by declining the funds that
mandate it.

On Nov. 14 Virginia became the latest when Gov. Timothy
M. Kaine's proposed budget eliminated the $275,000
matching grant that is part of the federal funding.

Plenty of GOP boosters remain on Capitol Hill, however.

In the wake of President Bush's Oct. 3 veto of the State
Children's Health Insurance Program--the low-cost health
insurance for families who don't qualify for Medicaid
but can't afford private insurance--some Democratic
advocates of SCHIP tried to sweeten it for Republicans
by attaching a $28 million increase in abstinence
funding. That effort failed, but it showed the extent to
which abstinence funding is viewed as a potent
bipartisan bargaining.
Philosophical Tug of War

For nearly a decade, since Bush increased funding for
abstinence programs that were by and large introduced
during Bill Clinton's administration, the philosophical
struggle over sex education has been between an
abstinence-only approach and comprehensive sex-ed.

Out of that tug of war, compromisers have for a couple
of years been promoting a middle way: "abstinence-plus,"
which mentions abstinence within a broader discussion of
safe sex.

Programs combining both abstinence and contraception
were most effective, a Nov. 7 study by the Washington-
based National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned
Pregnancy reported, echoing Virginia Gov. Kaine's
reasons for declining abstinence-only funding.

But abstinence-plus by no means pleases everyone.

In 2004 the Heritage Foundation, the Washington think
tank, warned that abstinence instruction comprises only
about 5 percent of abstinence-plus curricula. In
authentic abstinence curricula, that figure should be 54
percent, the report said.

Abstinence advocates argue that studies pinpointing
abstinence-only education as a failure surveyed children
too young to understand the message and didn't reach a
large enough sample of abstinence programs.

Few of the presidential candidates have said much yet
about any of this, and few in the news media have asked
on the campaign trail.

Here's what can be said about their positions so far.

    * Joe Biden supports "age-appropriate" and
      comprehensive sex education but the Delaware
      senator has also voted to fund abstinence

    * Hillary Clinton has favored abstinence-plus for a
      decade. In 1996 as first lady she helped launch
      the teen pregnancy campaign, which has a goal of
      reducing teen pregnancy by one-third by 2015
      through comprehensive education and awareness. Ten
      years later, as New York senator, she introduced
      the Prevention First Act, which would have
      allocated $100 million for family planning
      services in an effort to curb teen pregnancy.

    * Chris Dodd's Web site says the Connecticut senator
      is "appalled" by the Bush administration's
      abstinence-only programs.

    * John Edwards promotes comprehensive sex education
      according to his Web site. The former North
      Carolina senator's campaign did not return phone

    * Mike Gravel, former senator from Alaska, said he
      favored comprehensive sex education in a
      questionnaire he returned to the Washington-based
      Human Rights Campaign, a civil rights group.

    * Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich is the only presidential
      candidate who is a co-sponsor of the Responsible
      Education About Life Act that emphasizes
      comprehensive programs.

    * Illinois Sen. Barack Obama introduced the
      Communities of Color Teen Pregnancy Prevention Act
      of 2007 in Illinois. He respects abstinence as a
      choice but also advocates age-appropriate
      comprehensive sex education.

    * New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson favors abstinence-


    * Rudi Giuliani, the only Republican candidate still
      waffling about his pro-choice stance, avoids the
      topic. He talks about increasing adoptions and
      decreasing abortions but is mum on sex education.
      As New York City mayor for eight years, he
      presided over a major free condom distribution
      campaign that included public schools. A campaign
      spokesperson says Giuliani's stance can be
      compared to what he says about education in
      general: "The enforcer of standards should . . .
      be the parent."

    * John McCain promotes abstinence-only programs but
      the Arizona senator has previously promoted
      comprehensive sex education.

    * Mitt Romney promoted abstinence education in
      Massachusetts classrooms as governor of that state
      from 2003 to 2007. Romney mentioned this in the
      May South Carolina debates to show his credentials
      as a "clear and consistent conservative." Alex
      Burgos, a campaign staffer, said Romney believes
      schools should "promote abstinence as part of
      their health curriculum and teach that marriage
      comes before babies." Romney, however, checked a
      box saying he supported comprehensive sex
      education in a 2002 Planned Parenthood candidate

    * Fred Thompson, former Tennessee senator, backs
      abstinence education.

    * Duncan Hunter, California representative, favors
      "equal emphasis" on abstinence. He wants to give
      abstinence the same amount of teaching as the
      dangers of sexually transmitted diseases.

    * Mike Huckabee favors abstinence-only and opposes
      abstinence-plus. In response to a question asking
      whether his religious beliefs would allow him to
      support AIDS prevention in Africa that might
      include contraception, the Arkansas governor
      compared it with domestic violence and said
      compromising on either issue is not an option. "We
      don't say that a little domestic violence is OK,
      just cut it down a little, just don't hit quite as
      hard," says the former Arkansas governor. "We say
      it's wrong."

    * Ron Paul, the Texas representative, favors
      abstinence-only programs.

    * Tom Tancredo, the Colorado representative, favors
      abstinence-only programs.

For more information:

Human Rights Campaign, Candidate questionnaire on LGBT

National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned

Mathematica Policy Research, Abstinence education
report, April 2007
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Alison Bowen is a New York City-based journalist
covering the 2008 campaign. Her work also appears in the
New York Daily News.
