I've used a couple of Talmy's books in graduate grammar classes,
but never in undergraduate.  The English Grammar is an excellent
piece, but I wouldn't try it with my undergrads here.  By the way,
I also like his Functionalism and Grammar, which I used a couple
of years ago in an advanced grad grammar course in contrastive
analysis.  It worked very well, although even those students found
it demanding.

Herb Stahlke

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Another very interesting reference on English grammar -- for the
ambitious and not easily daunted -- is Talmy  Givon's 'English
A Function-Based Introduction', John Benjamins. It is a 2-volume
organized in outline form, with explanations and examples of
phenomena of English Grammar.

And then of course there is the massive 'A Comprehensive Grammar
of the
English Language', by Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey
and Jan Svartvik (Longman).

Johanna Rubba   Assistant Professor, Linguistics
English Department, California Polytechnic State University
One Grand Avenue  * San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Tel. (805)-756-2184  *  Fax: (805)-756-6374 * Dept. Phone.
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