Dear Members,

I am an undergraduate student in advertising at University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  For my undergraduate research paper, I am researching Internet advertising and information search tasks on the WWW.   For this purpose I devised a questionnaire that examines the relevant issues.  I have distributed email messages to various Internet users inviting them to participate in this study.  You are one of them.  As a result of participating in this survey, you will have the option to enter a contest to win a free digital camera.   Understanding the future trends of Internet advertising is in all of our interests.  I would deeply appreciate your assistance with my project.

The questionnaire can be accessed at
This study is for educational purposes only, and will not be used for any commercial reasons.   You will not receive any future e-mail messages.  I apologize and understand that you may find this request not relevant to this listserv, but it is important to the accuracy of this survey to receive participation from a variety of different interest groups.

Thank you very much for your time and effort.

Kim Einspahr

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