Hey baby :)

Agaal unipta

All the evolution we know of proceeds from the vague to the definite.

Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior.

If it is not right do not do it if it is not true do not say it.
I think you can leave the arts, superior or inferior, to the conscience of mankind.

To provoke dreams of terror in the slumber of prosperity has become the moral duty of literature.
He that is over -- cautious will accomplish little.
To succeed in business it is necessary to make others see things as you see them.
The only people who like change are wet babies.

The longer the title, the less important the job.
The government is becoming the family of last resort.
The best performance improvement is the transition from the nonworking state to the working state.
The first principle of a civilized state is that the power is legitimate only when it is under contract.
Nothing purchased can come close to the renewed sense of gratitude for having family and friends.

Greatness, in order to gain recognition, must all too often consent to ape greatness.

No matter how old you get, if you can keep the desire to be creative, you're keeping the man-child alive.

There is but one step from the Academy to the Fad.

Baloney is flattery laid on so thick it cannot be true, and blarney is flattery so thin we love it.
It is not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value.
