As everyone here is aware, the NCTE 1985 Position Statement about teaching
grammar advocates against it to the detrimant of all language training
native or foreign.  While it seems to couch its criticism in the form of
the supposed lack of benefit that grammar study has on writing alone, it
seems to presuppose that there would be no other sufficiently useful
reason for teaching grammar.  The position thereby has the effect of
shutting down all grammar teaching.

It strikes me that of all the groups that exist in academe today, the one
most appropriate to address this embarassment to American education is
ATEG.  Is there currently a working group within ATEG which specifically
addresses this issue with the goal of getting NCTE to renege and replace
this statement with something more accurate and more consonant with the
wishes of parents and many, many educators, business men and politicians?

If there is such a group, I would like to participate.  If there is no
current group, I would be happy to take responsibility for setting one up,
chairing, and spearheading such a group.  If there is no current provision
within ATEG for this sort of a group, perhaps interested parties could
form an informal, ad hoc group, put together some joint research and
positions papers, and offer this to ATEG/NCTE at a later point.

Phil Bralich

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