In article <1994Nov2.095218.32894@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Brian Samson) writes:
> We have a celebrety on our hands, people!  And it's John "Adder" Fink!
> In the November 7 1994 issue of Newsweek (current issue), there's an
> article about computer LambdaMOO.  As I was getting into the story (and
> my Life cereal), I read the following:
>       "Whether you're short or tall, fat or thin, black or white, ugly or
>       beautiful in real life, what determines how you look on Lambda is
>       completely controllable," says John Fink, a 21-year-old senior at
>       Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, who took his character,
>       Yossarian, from Joseph Heller's "Catch-22."
> (There's one more quote in there from John, too.)  Well, I almost spit
> out my cereal!  Not only do I know a celebrety, and he's in Newsweek, but
> Newsweek also told the world that Miami is in Ohio!
> Oh, what a day I am already having!
> Brian
Thank you, thank you.  I will be on hand to sign autographs. :)
Anyone else see this?  I'm tickled completely pink, too.
-- adder