On Mon, 27 Feb 1995, Lila Chwee wrote:
> ever been to Connells concert???i've liked them since boylen heights and
> have never been able to see them live, and i hear they are amazing live....
> you people in the south and east coast should consider yourselves lucky
> to be able to see the guys so often:):)
> that's it for me
> cheers
> lila
Have you talked to Caroline yet?  I'm sure she saw your message- but she
thought she was the only fan in CA!  I'm glad there is another one- welcome!
Also- is there anyone else out there from NC?  It's so cool that this
list and the digest are from Ohio and most of the people on it are from
out of state (NC).  If only they were MORE popular- they really need to
get a new record label.  I'm in fear that they are going to stop playing
soon and go on their own ways.  George is already planning a solo album!
I would miss them :(