In article <1995Mar21.221512.41981@miavx1>, [log in to unmask]
(Aaron D. Yonka) writes:
> Sorry for the somewhat rampant crossposting, but I'm not certain where this
> goes.
> There seems to be a significant problem with the Gandalf data switch this
> evening (10:00 pm, 3/21/95).  If one is able to get a modem connection,
> v1, phoenix, and casnext all respond with
> Where n is some number, depending on the chosen above service (3, 0, and 0,
> respectively when I tried it).
> However, class miavx1 allowed an immediate connection.  In fact, that's what
> I'm using now.  I thought the SERVICE BUSY happened only on class miavx1, and
> never the other ones.  Am I confused here?  Could someone explain why this is
> the case?
Actually, it's possible to get this message on any of the Gandalf classes,
it's just more likely to happen on MIAVX1.  This message occurs when all of
the ports available to a class are being used up.  For example, MIAVX1,
which is a serial connection to the Alpha, has 7 lines.  That's why it
fills up so easily.  The class MIAMIU has around 96 lines (I think).
Classes V1, Phoenix, and CASNext are a little different.  Instead of being
serial connections, these connections are made via a Telnet session.  These
classes share a total of 64 Telnet ports.  Therefore, the message
you received indicates that all telnet ports were being used (or there was
another problem that I'm not aware of...does anyone in networking wish to
An interesting aside to this, is if someone telnets to the Gandalf and then
uses one of the Telnet classes (V1, Phoenix, etc), you're actually taking
up 2 of the ports!
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]  (internet)
                                     kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)