In the past few days, I've noticed that several people have signed off the
list.  Yet in every instance,the individuals who signed off had been "silent"
while they were members.  I imagine they felt the list "failed" them; it didn't
meet their needs or expectations.
The ATEG list is new (just over 2 weeks old).  We who are members can/must make
it what we want/need it to be.  If we sit back and wait, no one's needs will
be met.  I imagine each person who joined, joined with some expectations,
or concerns out there in cyberspace, we could meet our needs by getting some
strands of dialogue going.
I'm interested in language:  ways to teach it more effectively so that my
students can not only succeed in English classes, but also in the world at
large.  I'm not a linguist; I'm an ex-Army officer with four kids who ventured
back to school to prepare to be a teacher.  My experience has shown me how
valuable language skills can be in the workplace.
I'd love to hear stories of instances where good language skills were a help or
where poor ones were a hindrance.  I'm interested in ideas about ways to con-
nect grammar and writing (or in opening/continuing a 30+ year debate about the
impossibility of improving writing through grammar study).
I'm willing to make a mistake on the list if it results in getting something
going.  Let's hear from you.
Jim Dubinsky ("a question is a question, no matter how small")