Why is uploading so darn ssslllooooowww? I need to upload a 400+ KB file,
but I am only getting 300 BITS per second with kermit (both old and new).
I'm also getting a fair number of retries; between the two, I only got 14 K
uplaoded in twenty minutes, before I canceled. I don't want to be here into
the morning! And Zmodem is useless... it won't even start the transfer
properly. It tries to start, but then just quits inexplicably and freezes
my account to the point I must hang up and dial back in (and yes, I am
logged in properly for z, I d/l all the time with it).
If you have any suggestions for faster uploading, *please* let me know
ASAP! I have hords of people flooding my mailbox waiting for this program.
Thanks in advance.
Robert E. Williams, Jr.    [log in to unmask]
Macintosh Developer       [log in to unmask]
Enterprise Software
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Infinite Recursion: See Infinite Recursion