So I was walking by the Res today just prior to noon and got to see the
"Kiss-in" taking place.  While I am not a big fan of PDA to this extent, I
recognize it was done to draw attention and I am sure it was effective at doing
that, I don't know if it is going to draw the "right" kind of attention but
that is not for me to decide.
        My beef with this lies with one of the handouts.  I will elaborate on
each statement on it.
- is a direct action group using grassroots activism to fight for lesbian
  survival and visibility.
   (good purpose statement, makes sense and is reasonable)
- wants to shock and educate you
   (Looking up the work "shock" in the Websters dictionary at MacCraken, it
    listed four different definitions as a verb.  The "kindest" definition of
    the word is "To disgust".  This seems not to be a good goal to me.)
- thinks the word 'Redskins' is offensive
   (What does this have to do with the group.  I don't mind the viewpoint, I
    just don't see how that relates to Lesbianism)
- wants a course curriculum that represents and respects queer culture, art,
  and experience
   (fair enough.  this makes sense and is definitely a reasonable demand)
- thinks it is imperative for Miami to offer benefits and privileges for
  same-sex partners of faculty, staff, and graduate students.
   (I fail to see the word "Equal" anywhere in the above statement so I am left
    to believe that TLA is striving to have benefits and privileges beyond that
    which are allotted to non-lesbians)
- wants you to recycle
   (fair enough, but how is this relevant to your group?)
- is outraged at anti-lesbian violence and hate crimes.
   (fair enough)
- wants everyone to practice safer sex
- takes stands against homophobia
   (fine, but understand it is someone's right to remain ignorantly scared of
- wants to recruit you
   (here is the biggie.  First of all sense I am male, does TLA want to recruit
     me?  Secondly, why would they want to "recruit" people to TLA?
     Especially, those who do not fit the definition of Lesbian?  Is it a goal
     of that organization to try to "change" women who are straight to become
     lesbians?  I do not know the ties between this group and the GLBA, but I
     know the GLBA strives to emphasize they are not out to change you (this is
     just from people I have talked to in the group, I don't know if that is an
     official stance.)
It is the TLA's right if these are there opinions, but I lose a lot of respect
for them for having them.
Take it easy,
Steve Harry
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There is nothing you need to do first in order to be enlightened.
                -- T. Golas