Now that I'm back in the office, I can pass along the following
message for David Stent, Manager of Educational Services, Queensland
U. of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, phone: 011-61-7-864-2210, fax:
011-61-7-864-5160.  His staff is forwarding his email while he is in
the U.S.  Please respond to him directly.
Date sent:        Fri, 28 Apr 1995 15:49:28 +1000
From:             [log in to unmask] (David Stent phone: 07 8643576 fax:
Subject:          US speakers for Aussie seminars
To:               [log in to unmask]
Copies to:        [log in to unmask]
Dear Prof. Wheeler,
Ralph Elliot suggested I contact you...I represent QUT or Queensland
University of Technology in Brisbane Australia. My office is International
and Continuing Education. We market QUT's international programs and conduct
an extensive short course and pre-tertiary program in Australia and overseas
(largely in SE Asia).
Ralph has run his seminar twice with us in Australia very successfully. In
fact Ralph has become a great friend of our staff. His ideas are being put
to use daily.  In fact one of our staff is on attachment now at Clemson.
We are interested in increasing our business of offering international
speakers/seminars in Australia. Ralph recommends your internet network. Are
there individuals who present innovative and attractive executive programs
who are available in 1996-7 to come to Australia? If so they could contact
me through the net.
I am also in the States, San Diego May 11,12. Clemson U with Ralph May 16-19
and New Orleans May 20-24. I would be able to meet some people at that time.
Sure hope you can help out.
David Stent
Bric A. Wheeler
Director, Center for Management Development
Richard T. Farmer School of Business Administration
Miami University, 114 Laws Hall
Oxford, OH  45056-1675
    Voice:  (513) 529-2132; FAX:  (513) 529-6992;
    E-mail:  [log in to unmask]
             [log in to unmask]