Here is the Schedule for the ATEG conference.
I plan on mailing (snail) copies and campus
maps to everyone tomorrow.
Ed V
Pre-Conference WorkShop
Thursday, July 27, 1995
9:30 -1; 2-6 The Kiss Approach to Grammar in
the Curriculum, K - College (Ed Vavra)
Locations: The Pre-Conference Workshop will
meet in Room 309 in the ACC building (top of
map). All regular conference sessions will be
held in the PDC building (center of map).
Friday, July 28, 1995
 9:30   Registration (Coffee, etc.)
10:00   Martha Kolln (State College, PA)
President's Remarks
10:30   Sabah A. Salih (Bloomsburg, PA):
"The Politics of Grammar"
11:00   William McCleary (Livonia, NY):
"(Still) trying to find an answer to the problem
of 'error' in writing"
11:30   Agbaw, S. Ekema (Bloomsburg, PA):
"The Fate of "he" or "she" and "her" or "his"
in a Non-Sexist World"
12:00   LUNCH -- Le Jeune Chef
1:30    Jim Kenkel (Eastern Kentucky) & Robert
Yates (Central Missouri): "Grammar and
Literacy: Embedding Outside Sources in Text"
2:00    Julia Karet (Miyazaki, Japan): "Teaching
Grammar to Japanese College Students"
2:30    Frank Peters (Bloomsburg, PA):
"Creativity in Short Phrasing"
3:00    Break
3:15    Cornelia Paraskevas (Monmouth,
Oregon): "The Reading-Grammar Connection"
3:45    Stephane Dunn (Granger, IN): "Using
Humour and Creative Techniques to Teach
Students the Common Sense of Formal
4:15    Glenn Swetman (Biloxi, MS): "The
Nine-Question Method of Teaching Grammar."
4:45    Dinner Break
7:00    Business Meeting
8:00    Publishing Session
Saturday, July 29
9:00    R.A. Buck (Charleston, IL): "Simplifying
Tree Structures in the Grammar Classroom"
9:30    Jim Brosnan (Providence, RI): "Teaching
Grammar Through Technical Documents"
10:00   Break
10:15   Cornelia Paraskevas (Monmouth,
Oregon): "Grammar Textbooks"
10:45   Audrey Caldwell (Shillington, PA):
"Syntax Book Reviews: What Should be
11:15   Delma McLeod-Porter's Proposal for
an Official ATEG Bibliographer (Ed Vavra)
11:45   LUNCH
1:00    Margaret Enright Wye (Kansas City, MO):
"To Pause, To Separate, To Terminate: A
Prolegomena to Understanding Punctuation"
1:30    Brock Haussamen (Bridgewater, N.J.):
"Between Restrictive and Nonrestrictive
Amplifying Clauses."
2:00    James Boswell, Jr. (Harrisburg, PA):
"Using Error Notebooks to Improve Grammar"
2:30    Break
2:45    Heping Zhao (Fullerton, CA): "Particle,
Complement, and Phrasal Verb: Rethinking
3:15    Kevin Griffith (Columbus, OH):
"Surrealism and Grammar: Creatively
Reinvigorating the Classroom"
3:45    End of Conference