Two things:
     1.) I am compiling a list of non-mainstream
materials for teaching grammar. The list will be
available from ATEG, and I also intend to
include it in mailings advertising my own stuff.
(I already include a flyer advertising ATEG.) I'm
interested in anything (free or for sale). For
example, I know of at least two books which
were written for specific courses, are
duplicated on campus, and are sold through
campus bookstores.  Please help add to the
list. ATEG claims that there are alternatives to
"traditional grammar." We need to start
showing more than those that have been
picked up by major publishers.
     By the way, if someone has, or would like to
compile, a list of all the grammar texts
currently available, I'm sure there would also
be interest in that list.
2.)     FYI: Following Reinhold's suggestion, I
have been cutting and pasting all the
messages "Re: Subordinate Clauses" for
possible inclusion in the newsletter.  I
encourage more people to join in the
Ed V