On the 6th Dec, Jeff T wrote:
> At the risk of sounding like an instructor (!) I'd like to remind everyone
> of the two different ways to respond to a posting on this (or any other)
> listserver.
> If your response is of general interest to the group, it is appropriate for
> you to choose "Reply" (or a similar command) which automatically sends a
> message back to the group.
> If your response is of interest ONLY to the person who posted the message
> you are responding to, please be sure your response is addressed to that
> person, and NOT to the group.
Maybe I'm naive, but how do you know who your answer may be interesting to?
There are lots of messages on this particular list that I have no interest in
what so ever, but others do and I wouldn't presume to ask them not to post.
My initial reaction to the above message was one of irritation but then I
thought, no, this person is trying to be helpful.  My question is - to who?
We all have a finger and a delete button and they are both easy to use.
My next point is that postings of the above type, apart from being
patronising, are closed minded and, again, maybe I'm naive, but I thought
this listserver and others were all about open discussion.
I first thought that I would send this reply to the sender only, then I
reconsidered.  Maybe there are others out there (on this list) like me, who
are prepared to wade knee deep through postings that they aren't interested
in to find the few gems (I hasten too add that all postings are gems to
<----- <------ <------
N Higgs @ Actors Mean Business - Training For Change. Tel(UK) 0121 355 4554
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"When the wind blows some people build walls, others build windmills"
                                                      Dr. Peter Hawkins