*********** ListServ mailing - Please FORWARD a personal reply **********
Dear MiamiU E-Mail Clients:
MCIS has an opportunity to upgrade the current VM/CMS mail software
before the beginning of spring semester. The new version promises to
'fix' several of the problems plaguing our current product (subject
lines not included in mail messages - as one example) as well as offer
some requested services (some type of MIME message support).  The
developer has customized the 'look and feel' of the new version to match
our current interface.
We need client input to justify an upgrade during the middle
of the academic year.  In order to encourage client testing - we are
scheduling a 'Mail Test/Pizza Party lunch' on Thursday, December 21,
from noon until 2pm in Room 2a, Hughes, for a limited number of
clients.  Please feel free to drop by, BUT PLEASE RSVP BY 10AM ON
THURSDAY IF YOU WANT SOME PIZZA !!! We need an attendance estimate
before ordering food.
    R.S.V.P. by forwarding your reply to [log in to unmask]
            or by leaving voice mail at 9-6231 (please ignore the
            vacation message as I will check the messages).
Thanks & happy holidays!!!   Lisa
  Lisa Ehrichs, Data Support Analyst     Voice:        (513)529-6231
  Miami Computing & Information Services   Fax:             529-1705
  22d Hughes                              Mail:  [log in to unmask]
  Miami University   Oxford, OH 45056