Micah James Cooper ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Ian Bennett ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: : M. C. Mastilak ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: : I think this has something to do with the New Metro Route sign at King,
: : m'self. I bet the tainted hand of the recidivist Randy Kaelber is at the
: Oh come now, the only thing the New Metro Route sign shows is the low
: level of reading comprehension of most MU students. (either that or that
: few students actually go to the library :)
Pah. It's all a feindish plot to boost the signal:noise ratio in mu.talk.
And every time someone responds to this thread, the vile heathens in the
lybary cackle with glee at our ignorance to their plans to take over the
University by means of subliminal messages in out-of-date Metro signs.
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Micah James Cooper          Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I
: [log in to unmask]         have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in
:                           darkness, the Lord will be my light.  Micah 7:8
Now put that in yer pipe and smoke it!