M. C. Mastilak ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] (Mica
h James Cooper) writes:
: > b/c we're more environmentally aware here and realize the disasterous
: > effect that salt can have on local flora and fauna. It also breaks down
: > concrete and asphalt more quickly.
: >
: > M. C. Mastilak ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: > : WHy the hell is Oxford the only town I've ever been in without salt for ic
: > : days?  The trails of sand and breadcrumbs just don't quite cut it.
: >
: I SEE!!!
...said the blind man to his deaf wife, listening to the radio, as he
spit into the wind "it's all comming back to me now".
: In typical environmentally sound practice, non-human life takes
: precedent over human life.
Um, yeah, welcome to the 20th century. Personally, I have always believed
that fungi and amoebae are vastly superior...
: No major surprise here.  What bullshit. (But thanks
: for the answer...now I know I have a legitimate complaint.)  How many times am
: I gonna be sacrificed to a bunch of crabgrass and oak trees?   Yes, I do take
: this personally.  I saw about fifteen hundred people fall - near ann into the
: street - because a bunch of candy-ass pinkos are afraid of hurting a worm.
: Last I checked, people are part of the environment...but, as is usually the
: case, the most-hated part.
Well put ;).
: About the
: breakdown of paving surfaces, I'd rather replace them a bit more often and
: actually have them fucking useful while they're here.
Shhh. that would make sense. Now what fun would government be if they
actually did their jobs well?
: I didn't intend any of this as an assault on the poster of the foul, nasty
: truth...I just hate environmentalism.
Hmm. Nix on that though. While it can be taken too far, just turning this
dirtball over to the chemical industry isn't my idea of intelligent...
: M. Christian "I take priority over a damned bird anytime" Mastilak
Most "Fungi are superior beings and should be acknowledged as such" Holy
Now put that in yer pipe and smoke it!