The new modems have been installed and LIMITED testing has been done.  These
modems are now available at 529-5777.  These modems support only MIAVX1 and
MiamiLink. There are 48, 28.8 baud modems available for this service.
Here are the instructions for making the new modems work. Please adjust the
phone number to accomdate on campus, off campus or long distance.
If you are using DOS/Windows and Kermit:
  at the Kermit> type "VT220" and press <enter>
  then type "atdt5295777" and press <enter>.
If you are using a Macintosh type "atdt529-5777" and press <return>.
If you use other software the configuration is 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop.
Please remember this works to Miavx1 (OpenVMS) and MiamiLink.  It does
NOT work to the IBM, MiamiU.
If you do get this service to work, please help others who may be having
If the service doesn't work, record the error messages exactly as you see them.
Using the old service, send e-mail to [log in to unmask], in the body of the
mail message record the error messages.  Continue to use the old service for
your connections.
These modems are the same ones that will be used for PPP access in the
fall but are configured for VT220 terminal server support.  This means
that they will go away sometime soon to provide the PPP and ARA support
for next year. Stay tuned for details.
This service is being offered on a limited support basis.  If you can make
them work, use them.  If not use the current modems.  We hope that
most people will be able to use the new modems without trouble.