Dear Bob, I think your observation is right, that assessing progress and
planning the next steps require a good understanding of English syntax
and its acquisition.  I posted the citation to the group, because that
section of the article was supportive of the need for grammar instruction
in ESL/EFL teacher education.  And I think the EFL distinction is also
relevant, that sometimes you don't have a choice whether to teach grammr
grammar explicitly or implicitly--in many countries being the ESL/EFL
expert implies that you know your own grammar well.
I noticed in the latest ERIC bulleting that someone from MIDTESOL was
involved inthe process of establishing the K-12 standards for ESL.
Do you happen to know who that was?
HOpe all is going well for you.  I finish teaching duties by May 20
and am looking forward to the summer.  JoAnne