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From:          [log in to unmask]
Date:          Mon, 24 Jun 1996 23:35:30 -0400
This is for those of you who hold faculty status in some univ.
dept as well as serve as top mgmt of the mgmt dev. center
I am interested in knowing how you have worked out various dilemmas
that we (I) am now facing:
  (1)  Who owns the intellectual property generated by the Center?
  (2)  Related to the above, how are the Center's revenues divided
among your dept, school, college, and university?
  (3)  Are you full-time in the Center?  Do you also teach a class?
Do you fulfill the responsibilities of a faculty member (e.g.
committee assignments, etc.) as well as serve as center director?
  (4) Is the Center placed within a department or school or is it
at the university level?  What led to the decision to do one or
the other? Are you comfortable with the location?
  (5) Is salary equity an issue?  "Soft" programs often must pay
more to attract and retain personnel, and  can create internal
salary issues within a dept or a univ.  Has this been an issue for
  (6)  Do you have an advisory board of directors?  What has been
their relationship to your dept/school/university?
I will summarize any responses I receive.  If you wish to remain
anonymous, please clearly indicate this, and I will eliminate all
identifiers.  If you don't mind being identified, then also say this.
My inclination wil be to retain anonymity because I realize these are
*very* sensitive issues.  Again, this is *not* an acadmic exercise.  I
am asking these questions seeking guidance.  Your help will be greatly
Jean Kantambu Latting, Dr.P.H., LMSW
Director, Center for Organizational Research and Effectiveness
Professor, Graduate School of Social Work
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-4492
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Jean Kantambu Latting ([log in to unmask])