"Publishers, Software Developers, Bookstores, etc., for TESL/TEFL,
Linguistics, and Communication" on WWW
We have compiled "Publishers, Software Developers, Bookstores, etc.,
for TESL/TEFL, Linguistics, and Communication"
(URL: http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/staff/visitors/kenji/book.htm)
This web page has two sections, the list of links to companies
and the list of individual companies. The latter is mainly for
TESL/TEFL or linguistics. The former includes interesting lists
of linguistics and communication, lists by countries, places you
can search for books, etc.
*                                                              *
* Dr. Kenji Kitao           E-mail     [log in to unmask] *
* Dept. of Linguistics      Work Fax   01524-843085            *
* Lancaster University      Work Phone 01524-65201 Ext. 3045   *
* Lancaster LA1 4YT  UK     Hone Phone 01524-65201 Ext. 2335   *
* URL: http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/staff/visitors/kenji/       *
*                                                              *