Well, I'd have to say that I was very impressed with the show last night
  at the 9:30 Club.  While the crowd size was a little disappointing, it
  was still pretty good considering that this was a weeknight show.  One
  of the bonuses to having a slightly smaller crowd, especially at the
  9:30 Club, is that it's not too difficult to work your way to the front--
  I stood almost directly in front of Doug the whole evening.  The band
  seemed really to enjoy themselves, and they played a great mix of stuff
  (although no Darker Days stuff?).  Anyway, for those who are interested,
  here is the set list:
  Maybe, Fifth Fret, Hang On..., ("Those were new songs.  This one's...not
    so new...") Hey You, Doin' You, Pretty Rough, New Boy, Scotty's Lament,
    Smoke, Try, Get A Gun, Any, '74-'75, Choose A Side, Slackjawed, Let
    It Go, Motel, Fun & Games
  1st Encore:  some cover ("Love and mercy is what we need...Love and mercy
    tonight"?), Something To Say, Over There, Sal, Stone Cold Yesterday
  2nd Encore:  just Mike, Doug, and Steve doing Hey Wow (although I don't
    remember if Steve was playing or not)
I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't find David and the rest of the
  list people, but the Connells coasters that David had mentioned were
  everywhere--someone threw a bunch of them up in the air at one point,
  and some landed on stage.  Doug mumbled something and put them on
  Steve's keyboard.  Doug had a pair of eyeglasses with spot lights on
  each side, and those made an appearance for a couple songs.  He also
  kept refering to the upper-level bar area in the back of the 9:30
  Club as 'College Bowl'.  (If you've been there, you'll know what I'm
  talking about.)
I only saw Peele hanging around the bar before the show, and I thought
  about saying hello except he was talking to a couple other people.
  I was going to ask him if he planned to write more songs and ask him
  why he's always in the back in the band photos (New Boy, WFAD).
Well, after last night's performance, I guess I'll have to look into
  getting tickets for the Charlottesville show on the 16th!  Anyone else
  going to be there?
[log in to unmask]                          Grad Student/Department of Physics
http://jhup.pha.jhu.edu/~chadd/chadd.html            Johns Hopkins University