In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] (Randy Kaelber) wrote:
>Micah James Cooper ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
>> For great fun, fire up netscape, put in a f(r)iend's e-mail address for
>> "from" and post to the alt.test groups.
>don't forget misc.test and misc.test.moderated (you *DO* know how to post
>to a moderated group without moderator approval, don't you?)
We all saw atporter's sneaky telnet-to-port-119 posts earlier this month,
didn't we?
>> Anyway, seems I got a message from saying that my
>> message had been processed there by some news daemon called Randy, so maybe
>> it does work.  ;)
>I wouldn't rely on that system too much. I hear the admin is a real weird
Yeah, just try
What a freak.