I'd appreciated your checking out and spreading the word
about my new WWW site for Rose Parisella Productions.
Among other things, it includes information about the KISS
Grammar Game. The address is http://www.sunlink.net/rpp.
   I will be adding a link to this site from our ATEG pages.
The ATEG pages already include a link to Anthony Hunter's
web site. If there are additional sites that ATEG should have
links to, please let me know. (I understand that our web site
has been up and down for the past few weeks. Penn College
was doing some major upgrading of software.)
     Last but not least, the decision not to publish
proceedings of the conference was accompanied by the
decision to print conference presentations in the newsletter.
If you gave a presentation and have not already sent me a
copy for the newsletter, I will certainly print it if I get it. As
always, I am eager to receive any submissions for the
Ed V.