I hope you had a great break and are refreshed and ready for the new year.
Just a few notes:
1) There will be a reception for EDP graduates, their families and friends
right after graduation on Friday in the Symmes and Harrison rooms of the
Shriver Center.  Let Carolyn Muncy (x 6621) know if you can attend.
2) There  is a first semester full (20 hr) graduate assistantship available
for someone who would like to do conflict mediation training with Fairfield
Middle School students and staff.  Even if the assistantship is filled there
will be work at $8. per hour for those who have the time and training.  See
Dr. Stevens if you are interested.
3) There will be a weekend long training in conflict resolution Aug 22-Aug
24th.  Fee is $75 for students, however, if you plan to work for them the fee
can be waived.  Additionally an independent study for credit can be arranged.
For more information see the mail room, contact 523-0040, or see Dr. Stevens.
The next training will be in January '98 over break.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you soon.
Brenda Stevens