I'm thrilled to hear ATEG is coming to Seattle!  I went out there in
1989, but since then funding has shut down and we don't "do"
conferences.  I too would like to develop preparatory grammar courses but
for community college students rather than just teachers.  I just
finished a year's sabbatical researching and writing a text for my class
and have appreciated the ATEG mail from all of you.
I wonder if Johanna or any of you might have a recommendation for a good
journal that can keep us up to date on movements in linguistics.  It had
been 13 years since my graduate work, and I found I had lots of catching
up to do.  I'm convinced that the disciplines of English and Linguistics
need to work together for us to accomplish anything.
Anyone want to comment on the state of affairs?
Jeanie Murphy
Pierce College
Puyallup, WA
PS--I'll only be in once a week to get email, so my response to any of
you may be slow.  After all folks, it is summer!    Thanks in advance!