We want you!
To come to our conference tailored to students.
The student chapter of ACM at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign (ACM@UIUC) is having a conference October 17-19.  In
addition to speakers on an interesting variety of topics, we will also be
having a job fair with employment representatives from a variety of
companies, including:
  Strategic Technology Resources
  Lucent Technologies
  Crowe Chizek
Also, we are having a programming contest, a computer art show, and social
activities.  There will also be opportunities for attendees to get together
and discuss various aspects of running a successful ACM chapter. (this also
gives you an opportunity to brag about your chapter!)
No one from your chapter can come to the conference?  No problem.  We will also
display or handout any material you send to us.
For more details, see our web site:
Hope to see you there,
Joel Jones
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