This message  was originally submitted  by [log in to unmask]  to the ATEG  list
Personally, I prefer the old system. The program I use
for e-mail lets me scan incoming messages for
sender and topic before I read them. I used to dump
the fax etc. messages before opening them, which
wasn't that hard to do. Then I could see who had
written about what. After reading, I often keep
messages in the active window so that I can go back
to them. When everything has Jim's name on it, I can't
tell what is what without opening  everything all over
again. (For example, I had to open numerous
messages to find the message that Bill Murdick just
gave me permission to post.)
   -- By the way, Bill, where do you teach?
  I can, however, live with the new system if that is
what most members want,.
Ed V.