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Let's take this sentence:
He /is/ Jack.
'Jack' is a noun.
The following, if what functions "as" a noun becomes a noun too, are also
very friendly
like his mother
in the attic
Now consider this sentence:
Jack/put/his hand/ on Jill's knee.
'Jack' is a noun. As Jack is a noun all the above nouns can go into the
same place. So we get the following sentences:
Very friendly put his hand on Jill's knee.
Like his mother put his hand on Jill's knee.
In the attic put his hand on Jill's knee.
There put his hand on Jill's knee.
Well-formed sentences?
Burkhard Leuschner - Paedagogische Hochschule Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany
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