At 22:55 24/02/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I have problems with this sentence. It should use the -ing form.
>1. I hear (they all, come) downstairs and (go) into the kitchen.
>I hear ??? coming downstairs and going into the kitchen.
>(I don't know how to do the part that says "they all")
Try to complete the following sentence:
I saw __________ (they) yesterday.
So, the same transformation you'd do here, you should do in your original
sentence. (this is pure Constructivism ;-)  )
>2. I can't imagine (they all, get) to school in time.
>I can't imagine ??? getting to school in time.
>(The same as above)
Same idea. The "all" remains as it is, try to figure out how you transform
the personal pronoun.
Roberto Perez
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