ACM Members:
April 24th will be our annual spring picnic.  A cookout is planned, as well
as a sand volleyball tournament.  At the picnic, the ACM Senior Award will
be presented.  To whom?  That's where we need your help.
Nominees for the award (based on faculty recommendation) are Jason Hallstrom
and Stephanie Taylor.  The final award will be by majority vote of ACM
members.  To vote, send mail to [log in to unmask] with the subject
VOTE.  Indicate which of the two candidates you are voting for.  Please note
this is a DIFFERENT email address than the listserv
([log in to unmask])!!!  Any votes sent to the listserv will NOT be
counted.  Votes will be accepted through noon, April 24.
Finally, volunteers are needed for the snackpack fundraiser.  Please see the
ACM bulletin board for more details on times for this and other events.
Michael Clarkson
Miami University Student ACM Chapter