    The SAN faculty have nominated the following two candidates for
your consideration of receipt of the ACM Senior Systems Award:
             Michael Clarkson
             Toni Lehmkuhl
Please vote by sending an email message to [log in to unmask]
stating your selection. Only current ACM members may vote. Your
vote must be cast by April 1.
   Selected comments from the faculty nominations are as follows.
            Michael Clarkson  -  "outstanding student", "leader in
                                  developing the software for the
                                  high school programming contest",
                                  "leadership in ACM"
            Toni Lehmkuhl  -  "leadership and promotion of AWC",
                              "leader of the chair's and dean's advisory
                               council", "most active student in
                               department activites"
Dr. Ann Sobel
ACM Faculty Advisor