I checked out the web page that Edith recommended. It certainly does
represent a lot of work, and it also seems to be a quality production.
However, one begins to wonder why we need yet another on-line handbook.

Moreover, as with many resources devoted to matters grammatical, it seems
to represent the triumph of hope over experience.


>Here is the website that I promised at ATEG. I made a mistake; I did not
>get it from ATEG, but from a friend at the UW (Washington).  This
>takes you to the pronoun section; you can get other places from there.
>Consider taking a break from budgets to check out this page --
> <http://webster.commnet.edu/hp/pages/darling/grammar/pronouns.htm
>It has some great design & interactive features.

William J. McCleary
3247 Bronson Hill Road
Livonia, NY 14487