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February 1996


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Peter Pflaum <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Marketing Alumni of Miami University (Ohio USA)
Wed, 14 Feb 1996 09:25:39 -0500
text/plain (174 lines)
RE: The Vision Thing:
People keep asking: What is going on here.
First I have no fixed doctrine, or even clear goals. If you
benefit from what I have done then I have done something, I can
be pleased.
Otherwise it is sound and fury meaning nothing -
If you can help by letting me know what is useful then you will
help yourself and others who visit in the future.
Maybe this is a new form of literature, a new form of
communications, a new form of knowing, a new form of teaching and
learning, maybe it's a new life form that takes shape as it
evolves, maybe it's trash, maybe it's wisdom, maybe it's hope,
maybe it's hopeless ? Maybe it's my EGO blast, maybe its beyond
or above or into or out of my mind, wise fool or foolish ? A GURU
I am not!
It is a new world order that does not fit the internalized models
and assumptions of the industrial empire. It's radical, flexible,
profound, difficult, and complexly human.
It starts with a vision, a non-verbal knowing of non-self,
existence and reality beyond self. The fourth force comes from
awareness of the "roundness" of reality.  The three classical
attitudes are:
THE MONK, control of passions or ID,
THE YOGI, control of ones thoughts or EGO,
THE BODY-MIND - "New Age", Humanistic psychology, trans-personal,
ecological, motivational "positive thinking", peak performance,
which are all aspects of the same elephant.
In Fritz Perls terms:
Chicken dropping - social chat, avoid real contact
Cow dropping (BS) - showing off, undergraduate discussions,
politics - pretence and role playing..
Elephant dropping - profound but empty, false talk and hollow
religion - profound pretenses - The State of the Union
The ancient Sufi tale of the elephant in the dark (or blind men
and the elephant) is about people's limits of awareness.
Everyone perceives and different aspect of "reality" and then
argues with others who have grasped a different piece. Higher
awareness requires an altered states of consciousness. THE WAY
Another tale is the lion in the pit. You try to show him the way
of escape but he doesn't perceive the nature of his condition and
situation. He eats the people that come to help him. People do
not take kindly to enlightment. There is no good deed that goes
It is an integration of modern physics, medicine, psychology,
philosophy, and ancient ways of knowing.
ONE: (Baby Awareness) Me and non-me, sense of time, here and not
here, see, hear, touch, smell, and eat.
TWO: (Infant Awareness) Thinking in words and images, focused
impulses and emotions: Ages one to three.
THREE: (Elementary Symbolic Awareness) The unique nature of
humans is advanced symbol identification and naming in context of
a social language: (ages three to six)
FOUR: (Junior Role Awareness) Construction of "rules", Roles,
Acting the part, Pretense, the BLUE water stage, construction of
the "life Rafts", defenses, body amour, and habits "which start
as fine as spider's webs but with practice become heavy chains,
iron cables which define the limits of our being," these chains
were constructed in the "industrial age". The "information age"
requires breaking the habits of mass production, top down,
bureaucratic consciousness, inside and outside.
FIVE: ( High School, apprenticeship, emotional/rational awareness
) Introspection, deductive reasoning, and social acceptable
behavior ( by peer groups and commercial interests ). The YELLOW
earth stage of rationalization, projections, transference, dogma,
beliefs, superstitions, fancies: based on passions, wants, needs,
desires, EGO gratification. Society demands this level of
development but no more, there are social pressures to keep the
"masses" as factory workers and not move their awareness beyond
this norm. To wake up the people to "what is really going on" is
a subversive activity.
SIX: ( EDUCATED: Journeyman, The Liberal Arts, wake-up)
Traditionally reserved for the "ruling class", Humanities, More
integrated thinking, a wider prospective, the greater good,
synthesis, connections, relationships, were necessary for
leadership, maybe even some body-mind awareness. Poetry, the
visual arts, music, dance, philosophy, modern science and math,
open the doors of perception beyond the limits of "home town"
culture. The RED Zone, because the dangers and fear of freedom,
most people do now have the security to feel comfortable with
open horizons and new ideas, cultures, changes, possibilities.
SEVEN: ( MASTERS Craftsmen Level, KNOWLEDGEABLE, understanding,
pay attention:) almost wise, profound: Some are born to
independence, some achieve independence, some  have independence
thrust upon them).
The BROWN Ground is the deep down sense of being OK, self
actualization. The "feeling" not a thought that you can trust and
believe in yourself, you are the perfect creation of a loving G-
D, you are not the reflection in others eyes and DEPENDENT on
others reactions, but have gained freedom to respond by your free
choice. Knowledge is the connection between thinking and doing,
information plus understanding of what is really going on beyond
the information given.
EIGHT: DOCTOR's level - (In the old crafts guild sense not our
corrupted educational certificates) Psychic, mystic, awareness of
spirits, ghosts, mysteries, demons, love, hate, body-mind
connections - NOT independent of ego, or information, knowledge,
experience, common sense, but an expansion. There are a lot of
"fakes", wizards, con-artist, crazies, who sell short cuts to
"wisdom", faith, trans-personal spiritual, transforming
experience, BUT...BUT... BUT...
Level nine and ten involve the love affair between man and G-D,
when the lover and the beloved become one, a interesting
character with great EGO control, making space between action and
reaction called choice. Having a strong personality ( In the
world but not of it ) The concept is mostly expressed in the
heavenly music of the spheres, the sweet harmony of the universe,
the poetry of the soul; " we are the stuff of which stars and
dreams are made", - a mystery in a puzzle in an enigma - and feel
comfortable with different ways of knowing and not knowing. The
many "selves" become integrated not overwhelmed or destroyed, the
repertoire becomes wider - Rumi, Mozart, Franklin, FD Roosevelt,
( all feemasons) and in our day:
Herbert Benson, Joseph Campbell, Norman Cousins, Dean Ornish,
Alexander Lowen, Steven Covey, Victor Frankl, Ken Wilber, A.H.
Maslow, Charles Tart,
 - People who live in the world, not just practice human
potential - but do something to make the world a better place, Dr
Salk, Pauling, Bronsky, who do you suggest as approaching the
"complete person", focused on goals, active, energized, balanced,
centered, understanding, patient, soulful, mindful, spiritual,
loving, a "great human being" maybe Judith my Grandmother ? Does
not have to have a certificate in "human potential" or do yoga -
these are means not ends and the ends can be achieved in many
ways. The heros of Yugoslavia, the saints of Samolia, the Doctors
without Walls, (Medicin san Frontier) The children ground, (le
Terre L'Enfant) go to where angels fear to tread and you find
them - Central Africa, South East Asia, Urban Schools -  Our
mothers ?  Clearly missing in the political leadership because
the system does not allow greatness, courage, honesty,
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** Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE
225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169-2176 (904) 428-9609
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** Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE
225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169-2176 (904) 428-9609
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