Rodney I will not be teaching the Sociology class this semester. I will have
to drop out but I want to be kept on the list for future semesters. I am
sorry that I am just getting back to you, it was a last minute decision and
we just started this week. Hotep.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rodney Coates [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 9:32 AM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Suggestions for dealing with Hate on the Net module
> There are many ways this particular sequence can be addressed.
> Critical thinking:
> Ask students to compare various sites, compare and contrast how they
> approach hate.  In what ways are they similar, in what ways are they
> dissimilar?  What types of evidence is there to suggest that there may be
> bias in their presentations?  What kinds of strategies do they use for
> organizing?
> Historical analysis:
> What types of historical claims are made? What can be said regarding the
> historical accuracy of these claims?
> Science and bigotry:
> Often science (especially within social and biological) is used to
> buttress
> the arguments of bigotry.  In what ways is the illusion of credibility
> fostered by reliance on pseudo-scientific observations, reports, and
> conclusions?
> Finally, these questions can also be used to develop discussions among
> students on black board.  These are merely my suggestions, i am sure that
> there are many others which would be equally beneficial to our project.
> rodneycoates
> For more of my poetry please check out
> umoja
> only when lions have historians will hunting cease to be glorified
> rodneyc..