
Here are some notes on classes for relevant majors.

SPA 122 Basic Sign Language I.
This course is being changed by that department and will increase to 3 semester
hours.  It will be offered only once more as a 1hour course in the spring of 2005.
Those with majors that require this course should be sure to sign up for it then.

EDP 459 E Practicum.  This course for fall apparently conflicts with other courses in
the early childhood lit. block.  Those students in that block need to sign up for EDP
459 F, or G.  If you are restricted from online registration, you can force add the class.
The times listed in the bulletin 8 to 12 Tuesday and Thursday.  It will meet only one
hour per week.  We will establish the time for meeting during the first week of class.

All middle childhood students in the methods block need to sign up for EDT 311.
This is a general methods course and will substitute for prior requirements in Social
studies and math methods.
All potential intervention specialist licensees are required by state law to have 12
hours of reading.  The recommended sequence currently is EDT 246, EDT 346, EDT
442, and EDT 497.  These must be completed before you are eligible for a two year
provisional license.

SCEC Meeting will be held at 6:00 PM on Monday April 26.  The first half of the
meeting will provide information about materials and presentations from this year’s
National CEC Meeting and Exposition.  The second half features a student teaching
panel.  Room will be announced soon.