Please see this interesting opportunity below.
Molly Kelly-Elliott, M.Ed.
Clinical Faculty & Undergraduate Advisor
Special Education Program
Miami University
Department of Educational Psychology
201E McGuffey Hall
Oxford, Ohio 45056
From: McMahon-Klosterman, Kathy Dr.
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 11:09 AM
To: Kelly-Elliott, Molly MEd Ms.; Matsuda, Kazuko Dr.
Subject: FW: [disabilitylist] NSIP: March webinar on Integrating Service Learning into an IEP

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From: National Service Inclusion Project <[log in to unmask]<UrlBlockedError.aspx>>
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Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 11:01:59 -0500
To: Disability Email Discussion List <[log in to unmask]<UrlBlockedError.aspx>>
Subject: [disabilitylist] NSIP: March webinar on Integrating Service Learning into an IEP

National Service Inclusion Project (NSIP) is pleased to announce our March webinar on Integrating Service Learning into an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Date: Thursday, March 19, 2009 from 3 PM – 4 PM EST (2pm-3pm Central, 1pm-2pm Mountain, 12pm-1pm Pacific).

This session is designed to familiarize participants with the benefits of incorporating service learning into a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). An IEP is a document that outlines special education services for students with disabilities. The IEP includes any modifications that are required in the regular classroom and any additional special programs or services.* Our guest speakers will share a brief overview of the IEP process and the benefits to incorporating service learning into an IEP. Promising practices will be shared on collaborating with special education departments and how service learning projects involving high school students with and without disabilities have been successful.

Service-learning is a great opportunity for America's young people, with and without disabilities, from kindergarten to post-secondary. Young people get involved with their communities in a tangible ways by integrating service projects with classroom learning. Service-learning engages students in the educational process, using what they learn in the classroom to address real-life problems. Students not only learn about democracy and citizenship, they become actively contributing citizens and community members through the service they perform. (

For more information on IEPs, please visit

Laura Lacey currently teaches History and Service Learning at Brooke Point High School in Stafford, VA.  Last year Ms. Lacey, as an NSIP Fellow, focused on incorporating high school students with disabilities into her service-learning classroom.  Seven high school students with disabilities were integrated into programs throughout the 2007-2008 school year. The program was so successful that for the 2008-2009 school year a student with disability was enrolled into the Learn and Serve program full-time. In addition, service-learning was integrated into a special education classroom for students with Autism.

Maria Paiewonsky, Ed.D, is an Education Specialist at the Institute for Community Inclusion, UMass Boston. Her primary work includes teacher preparation and professional development training and technical assistance to educators and professional staff who support youth with intellectual disabilities in high school and in postsecondary activities. As part of Dr. Paiewonsky’s transition course sequence, educators who want a transition specialty are required to investigate how service learning can be included in a student’s IEP or transition plan to further explore their career interests.

Please email [log in to unmask]<UrlBlockedError.aspx> to RSVP by Tuesday, March 17th with the following info:
- Name
- Organization
- Email
- Phone
- If you require CART* to participate, please also indicate so in your email
- Please add questions/comments you would like the presenters to specifically address.

A confirmation email will be sent out to those who RSVP, by Wednesday, March 18th with webinar connection instructions.

*CART service provides instantaneous translation of the speech text using real-time software. Teleconference/webinar participants receive caption services over the internet. This is an accommodation provided for participants who are Deaf or hard of hearing.

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