Students - interested in social justice, leadership? Please read below.  MKE

Molly Kelly-Elliott, M.Ed.
Clinical Faculty & Undergraduate Advisor
Special Education Program
Miami University
Department of Educational Psychology
201E McGuffey Hall
Oxford, Ohio 45056
From: Cambron-McCabe, Nelda Dr.
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 2:40 PM
To: Witte, Raymond Dr.; Bergen, Doris Dr.; Kelly-Elliott, Molly MEd Ms.
Subject: FW: Social Action Center: Please pass on!

Please share with your students.  Nelda

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From: "Hildebrand, Susan Virginia" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 14:24:27 -0500
To: "Cambron-McCabe, Nelda Dr." <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Social Action Center: Please pass on!

Dear Professor Cambron-McCabe,

Hello! I’m writing to tell you about the Social Action Center and opportunities for students.  The Social Action Center began in 2001 as a meeting place and resource for student activism, service, and leadership.

This fall the Office of Community Engagement and Service and the Wilks Leadership Institute are partnering to re-launch the Center and we are building a leadership team.  Currently we are both recruiting for student leaders to join the Advisory Board and for organizations to join the network.

Could you pass this information on to the Educational Psychology students?

Thank you!
Susan Hildebrand
 (513) 529-1906
America Reads/Adopt A School
Social Action Center

[cid:3341313628_545057]Attention: Social justice-oriented service or activist organizations/students!

Could you use extra resources, space, or expertise?

The Social Action Center began in 2001 as a meeting place and resource for student activism, service, and leadership.  This fall the Office of Community Engagement and Service and the Wilks Leadership Institute are partnering to re-launch the Center and we are building a leadership team.  Currently we are both recruiting for student leaders to join the Advisory Board (application attached) and for organization to join the network (also attached).  I hope you will join the S.A.C..

Vision Statement:
•  The Social Action Center is the crossroads for creating connections between Miami and the larger world and a place to inspire and educate students to take effective action.

Purpose Statement:
•  The Social Action Center seeks to provide students with resources, programs, and ideas that focus on social change; endeavoring  to build community between engaged students and student organizations in a spirit of collaboration for effective action and visibility.

The Social Action Center will work to enhance communication among student organizations, create a directory of all progressive organizations on campus, create a listserv to reach a broad base of socially minded students, create a calendar of events on social justice issues, publish a semester newsletter around social change issues, facilitate communication with the Oxford community to determine community needs and activity, provide space to host workshops and meetings, provide social networking and support, and facilitate breakout groups to teach skills students leaders need.

Join the Social Action Center.  Get connected with other groups on campus.

E-mail Susan at [log in to unmask] or Sarah at [log in to unmask] for more information.

The SAC is a project of the Office of Community Engagement and Service and the Wilks Leadership Center.

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