Molly Kelly-Elliott, M.Ed.
Clinical Faculty & Undergraduate Advisor
Special Education Program
Miami University
Department of Educational Psychology
201E McGuffey Hall
Oxford, Ohio 45056
From: Wasburn-Moses, Leah Hope Dr.
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 6:21 AM
To: Kelly-Elliott, Molly MEd Ms.
Subject: FW: Intervention Specialist Position Available

From: Johnson, Iris DeLoach Dr.
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 11:13 PM
To: Vondenberger, Krista
Subject: Re: Intervention Specialist Position Available

Thank you for the news and other comments. I will forward the information to special ed majors.
Good luck in your teaching. I know you are simply wonderful at what you do.

From: <Vondenberger>, Krista <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
To: Iris DeLoach Johnson <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: Intervention Specialist Position Available

Hello Dr. Johnson!

     I am taking a workshop this summer with OWP and one of my classmates mentioned that Washington Courthouse needed an intervention specialist.  They have just re-posted the job and have not yet had a single applicant.  I am sending this e-mail to you because I know that you used to teach classes with special education majors and that you frequently send out e-mails about job openings and might be able to recommend a recent graduate for the job.  I have posted the link below if you want to forward this information along to any students or staff.  Thanks!

     Also, I read a baseball card research activity about zero yesterday that reminded me of the math technology class I took with you.  If you still teach the same class or would like to see the trading card just for fun I can scan it in and send it to you.  I technically teach language arts, but fit math in where I can!

Your Former Student,
Krista Vondenberger

Washington Courthouse Intervention Specialist Position:
