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From: Linsky, Jennifer <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 5:17 PM
Subject: Ohio's CEC Conference
To: "Kelly-Elliott, Molly MEd Ms." <[log in to unmask]>

Molly, Can you please send this out to the listsev? Thank you, Jen

Hello Special Educators- 
Here is some news about Ohio's CEC conference. 

It's one day, Friday March 1, in Columbus, OH. 

Topics of interest include a talk from the director of the Office for Exceptional Children from ODE, a session on special ed legal issues, a buffet lunch (included in registration cost), Ohio CEC business meeting, and then breakout sessions in the afternoon. Breakout session #1 is Universal Design for Learning/Common Core Standards or Transition or Info on Teacher Preparation; breakout session #2 is supporting positive behavior or teacher/parapro collaboration. 

It could be very useful information to learn and only $30 for college students. 

There is also a hotel if anyone would want to stay the night in Columbus where you get a conference rate of $119; however, conference only goes from 9-4 on the one day. 

If you wanted to go to the conference, but can't afford it this could be an option for you! All the info is on the website including a printable registration sheet that you send in with your check.

Here's a website: http://www.cec-ohio.org/spring_conference_2013.html
