---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jan Benes <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 12:05 PM
Subject: Student Teaching Abroad
To: Molly Kelly-Elliott <[log in to unmask]>

Would you please send the following message out to all third year Intervention Specialist students?


Hi All,


I hope that this finds each of you well and enjoying a great start to this new academic year!


If you've ever considered student teaching abroad, or are just interested in hearing about the program options that we currently offer, please plan on attending our Student Teaching Abroad Orientation Seminar, scheduled for Tuesday, September 16 at 5:00 in room 118 McGuffey.


If you have a class, or are otherwise unable to attend, please contact me directly and we'll set up a time to meet to discuss your particular interest...


I'm looking forward to seeing many of you on September 16 at 5:00 in 118.





Jean F. Eagle, Ed.D.

Director of Clinical Field Experiences and School Partnerships

202 McGuffey Hall

Miami University

(513) 529-7245

[log in to unmask]




Jan Benes

Miami University

Office of Student Teaching and Field Experiences

202 McGuffey Hall

210 E. Spring Street

Oxford, OH  45056

(513) 529-7245

(513) 529-1763  fax


Molly Kelly-Elliott, M.Ed., ABD
Clinical Faculty, Department of Educational Psychology
Miami University
201 McGuffey Hall
Oxford, Ohio 45056