                    ***      OpenVMS Upgrade     ***
                    *** Changes and Enhancements ***
On Tuesday, June 27, MCIS will be upgrading from OpenVMS V1.5 to OpenVMS
V6.1 on the MIAVX1 system.  Although the version numbers appear to be
several releases apart, V6.1 is the next release after V1.5.  The jump in
version numbers is to synchronize the Alpha and VAX version numbers.
Below are summarized the significant changes and enhancements to the user
interface provided by this upgrade.  A more complete list of changes can
be found in the files: SYS$HELP:OPENVMS_AXP_V61_RELNOTES.TXT and
SYS$HELP:OPENVMS_AXP_V61_RELNOTES.TXT.  Due to the size of these files,
MCIS asks that you don't print them.
o Command recall now saves the last 254 commands issued rather than the
  last 20.
New Features:
o SET TERMINAL/PAGE=48 now works correctly to VT420 terminals.
o DIFFERENCE/IGNORE=CASE - compares files disregarding case differences.
o new qualifiers added to several commands.  These qualifiers include:
    /PAGE      - displays output a page at a time.  Also allows backward
                 scrolling of the past 5 screens, panning right and left, and
                 switching between 80 and 132 columns display (all of these
                 require the /PAGE=SAVE option for the TYPE command).
    /HEADER    - displays the filename at the top of the file listing.
                 This qualifier only exists for the TYPE command.
    /SEARCH    - highlights all occurrences of the text specified.  For
                 example, /SEARCH="test" would highlight all occurrences of
                 the word "test" in the output.
    /HIGHLIGHT - changes the highlighting charactistic.  The default
                 highlighting is done using BOLD.  Other options include:
                 BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE.  This qualifier requires
                 the /SEARCH qualifier.
    /EXACT     - specifies that the search criteria should be an exact
                 match, regardless of case.  This qualifier requires the
                 /SEARCH qualifier.
    /WRAP      - controls wrapping of characters that extend beyond the
                 right side of the screen.  The default is /NOWRAP.
  These new qualifiers were added to the following commands:
    Command         /EXACT   /HEADER   /HIGHLIGHT   /PAGE   /SEARCH   /WRAP
    -------         ------   -------   ----------   -----   -------   -----
    DIFFERENCES       X                    X          X        X        X
    DIRECTORY         X                    X          X        X        X
    DUMP              X                    X          X        X        X
    HELP              X                    X          X        X        X
    SEARCH           [1]                   X          X                 X
    SHOW DEVICES      X                    X          X        X        X
    SHOW ENTRY        X                    X          X        X        X
    SHOW LOGICAL      X                    X          X        X        X
    SHOW MEMORY       X                    X          X        X        X
    SHOW PROCESS      X                    X          X        X        X
    SHOW QUEUE        X                    X          X        X        X
    SHOW SYSTEM       X                    X          X        X        X
    SHOW USERS        X                    X          X        X        X
    TYPE              X         X          X         [2]       X        X
  Notes: [1] This qualifier existed before OpenVMS 6.1.
         [2] This qualifier existed before OpenVMS 6.1 but has been
             enhanced in OpenVMS 6.1.
o TYPE/TAIL=n qualifier - This qualifier displays the last n lines of the
  file.  If you don't specify n, the default is the current screen height.
o SHOW/SET SECURITY - All security functions can now be performed using the
  SHOW SECURITY or SET SECURITY commands.  Older commands, such as SET
  FILE/PROT=... will continue to work.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]  (internet)
                                     kacovert@miavx1                 (bitnet)