Robert Allan Campbell wrote:
>I was going through old SHARs and it occurred to me that I have not
>received one in quite some time. Nor has the ATHG asked me for money
>lately. The two may be related (although as a full-time student
>again, I am not looking for more expenses). As well, what happened to
>the special issues of three journals that have the papers from the
>International Congress of 1993. I did pay for those. I am not upset,
>just curious. Can someone enlighten me?
>Robert Campbell
>[log in to unmask]
Touche, Robert.  SHAR's editor, Scott Haine, tells me that SHAR's next
issue is in the proofing stage.  I received a fax on Oct 13th from Jack
Blocker informing me that the special-issue offer (for Contemporary
Drug Problems and Historie Sociale/Social History) is ready to roll.
However, I'm just getting around to posting the necessary checks today.
I don't know how long the special offer's processing will take at the
distributors' ends of the transaction, but hopefully it won't be too
long now before SHAR, CDP (2), and Historie Sociale/Social History
turn up in your mailbox.  Thanks for your patience.
Ron Roizen
Executive Secretary