New Publication for Wine History Addicts
1996 marked the organization of the Grupo de Estudos de Historia da
Viticultura Duriense e do Vinho Porto.  The organization, supported by the
Instituto do Vinho do Porto, the Universidade do Porto, and the
Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro, under the able leadership of
Gaspar Martins Pereira of the Universidade do Porto, held its first meeting
in March: I Encontro Internacional "Historia da Vinha e do Vinho no Vale do
Douro."  Papers were given in the Faculdade de Letras of the Universidade
do Porto, and other activities occurred in the Douro wine region.  Over 100
scholars from Portugal, the United States, France, and other European
countries participated.
The organization publishes a journal, Douro: Estudos & Documentos.  The 1st
issue appeared in March 1996; a second issue is expected shortly.  Further
information can be obtained from   GEHVID
       Faculdade de Letras
       Universidade do Porto
       Apartado 1559
       4150 Porto
or from Norman R. Bennett: [log in to unmask]