On Thu, 17 Oct 1996, Ron Roizen wrote:
> My favorite moonshine book--and it's really
> wonderful--is Joseph Earl Dabney, _Mountain Spirits.
> A Chronicle of Corn Whiskey from King James' Ulster
> Plantation to America's Appalachians and the Moonshine
> Life_, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1974.  It
> covers more time than you want but is no less
> spellbinding on that account.  Chock-full of up-close
> description and original-voice accounts.
I just received my copy of Mountain Spirits and I must agree.  It is a
fascinating book with how-to accounts that temp even a non-drinker like
myself to want to try it.
BTW, however, I was told by one of the ATF agents on the phone this week,
that it is a FELONY to make moon-shine, even now!
It is also a FELONY to give a friend a bottle of home-made beer or wine!
We still have remnants to prohibition, even with legal alcohol when we can
buy all the whiskey we would ever want and then some, but can't make it.
Thayne Andersen
If you go flying back through time and you see somebody else flying
forward into the future, it's probably best to avoid eye contact.