In article <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] (
Brian J. Bernstein) writes:
>   There seems to be a little problem in OpenVMS land lately..
Yes.  I will agree that MCIS didn't do a very good job informing people of
problems that occurred on the system yesterday (part of that is my fault).
I'll try to coordinate with the people here at MCIS who notify of system
outages to see if we can better information to users when these problems
>   Last night the system claimed that it didn't have enough resources to serve
> web page (Miami's page being one).
This was the first of 2 problems we had on the system.  The MiaVX1 system
is made up of 4 computers.  One of those systems (STREAM) hung Monday
night.  This system houses Ph/Qi, News, Mail redirection (mail addressed to
@MUOhio.Edu), and some POP mail services.
It appears that several requests were made to Ph/Qi using the WWW form.
When the system tried to resolve these, those connections hung (because the
system that houses Ph/Qi was hung).  Eventually, we got so many of these
hung connections, that the WWW system didn't have any more resources to
devote to normal requests because all of it's processes were working on
servicing Ph/Qi requests.
We rebooted STREAM on Tuesday morning (at around 7:30AM) and this should
have resolved the problem.
> Now, MCUG login won't work as per error
> message:
> input
> -RMS-E-DNF, directory not found
> -SYSTEM-F-VOLINV, volume is not software enabled
>   Just airing it to whom it may concern...
This was caused by the second problem on the system.  Our batch machine
(OCEAN) had a disk drive that was starting to fail.  DEC came up on Tuesday
morning to replace the drive.  During this time, the OCEAN system was
powered down.  The MCUG libraries reside on this system.  All data was
restored to the drive by 1:30PM, but not all services were restored until
later in the afternoon.
I'll look at moving the MCUG libraries off OCEAN so that disabling OCEAN
doesn't affect interactive users who use these programs.
                                     Kent Covert, Software Coordinator
                                     Miami Computing and Information Services
                                     Miami University, Oxford, OH
                                     [log in to unmask]