Passing along what I found on the AP wire this evening - thought it
.c The Associated Press
TALLINN, Estonia - Call it underground vodka.
Border guards have discovered a plastic tube running beneath the border of
Estonia and Latvia they believe was used to smuggle bootleg vodka.
The pipe began behind the garden fence of a person with a long record of
bootlegging, and ended in a field in Estonia, the Baltic News Service
reported Tuesday, citing a report in the Postimees newspaper.
Vodka costs 60 percent more in Estonia than in Latvia.
The 330-yard pipe ran between the small towns of Ikla and Ainazai, near the
main highway connecting the Latvian capital of Riga with the Estonian
capital, Tallinn.
The news agency report did not say whether anyone had been charged.
AP-NY-03-11-97 2128EST
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