Over the last year, we've received thousands of
suggestions from our customers, and I'm happy
to report that we've crossed a few off our to-do
We've added a convenient new Gift Center that can
guide you to the perfect books for every person on
your holiday list, even those who seemingly have
everything (we'll even help you avoid books that
aren't good reads).
A second new feature: gift certificates, including
electronic gift certificates. You can send Amazon.com
gift certificates to anyone, anywhere, on paper or
(really cool) by e-mail--so you can give a colleague
or friend a gift, even if all you know is their
e-mail address. (I'm using the e-mail version of our
gift certificates for many of the people I've met
online; in most cases, I don't even know their
physical address.)
Finally, we've enhanced our Children's and Young
Adult categories. Now you can even search for
children's books by age range.
I sincerely hope you'll stop by for a visit.
You can find our Gift Center at:
Thank you for being an Amazon.com subscriber. Best
wishes for the holidays and the new year, from all
of us here at Amazon.com.
Jeff Bezos
Founder & CEO
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